CLT News Release

Friday, January 21, 2016

Gov. Baker's State of the Commonwealth message
Oh what a relief it is!


For the first time in several years the taxpayers of Massachusetts watched a governor’s State of the Commonwealth speech without experiencing trepidation or a knotted stomach. It became apparent that Gov. Baker actually intends to honor his promise of no new taxes or fees. Absent from his talk was any threat of new or higher taxes. No ominous words like the “urgent need for new revenues” crossed his lips. This promise encouraged us all ― especially since it came in the same week that tax-and-spenders packed a Statehouse hearing demanding imposition of the Graduated Income Tax.

Governor Baker is also to be applauded for advocating the most important contribution government can make to improving education: Raising the cap on charter schools.


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Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665