CLT News Release
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Fossil Fuel Tax ?!?


Contact:  Barbara Anderson


First let me say, Merry Christmas. Next let me say, no, state government, you can’t have a fossil fuel tax in your stocking, under your tree, or up your reindeer.

According to today’s Boston Globe, “Fossil fuel tax backed in report for Mass.”, the state Department of Energy has just released a recommendation for a “carbon tax” on Massachusetts consumers.

Here is what I’d like for Christmas from my state government.

1.  The income tax rate dropped to 5%, as promised when that “temporary” tax hike was passed in 1989, as demanded by voters in 2000, as “frozen” by the Legislature in 2002, as dribbled down to us by five one-hundredths of 1 percent occasionally, since then.

2.  The “property tax relief” that Deval Patrick promised when he first ran for governor.

3.  Something resembling management.

4.  The answer to this question: on what planet do the people who release these reports live? First, as the budget deficit grows, we get the recommendation for pay hikes on constitutional officers and unconstitutional pay hikes on legislators, which we hope has been laughed off the table by now.

Next, we get a recommendation for a multibillion-dollar “carbon tax” on all fossil fuels used by consumers in the northeastern corner of the nation? The week before Christmas?

This is not going to happen. And yet, they recommend it – seriously. AND assure us that the carbon tax will be offset by tax cuts or “some rebate” to consumers to make the new “carbon charge” revenue neutral. Do they really think we are that stupid? (see broken promises, above). Wait — did MIT Prof. Gruber author this report?

Did they miss the recent repeal by voters of the automatic gas tax? The election of a governor who promised not to raise taxes? The list of Massachusetts citizens needing fuel assistance and visiting food pantries? Who out here is overheating our homes — as the price of natural gas rises — that you need to punish?

Here’s an assignment for enterprising reporters: check out the people who write these reports, sucking up the government money for the latest government fad crisis. I’ll bet you’ll find them in cozy warm houses, perhaps sitting in front of wood-burning (for ambiance) fireplaces composing warnings of a coming ice age/global warming/climate change/whatever from which they can profit.

Just to be climate-change politically-incorrect: may they get a lump of fossil fuel in their “holiday” stockings.


Citizens for Limited Taxation    PO Box 1147    Marblehead, MA 01945    508-915-3665