Wednesday, July 30, 2014

— Memo to the Legislature —
H4366 – A Bill to Kill Democracy


To:  Members of the General Court

So Sen. Rosenberg's assault on the initiative petition process remains in the Election Law “Super PAC bill,” irrelevant as it is to the bill itself. This will be only the first phase of his scheme to kill the people's lawmaking ability, by attaching his anti-Initiative & Referendum language to unrelated bills that get their final vote in the end-of-session chaos. There will be another phase next year, mark our words.

CLT wants to be on record noting that the death of the initiative petition process began here, today, with the vote supporting this bill.

If there is no roll call, we'll assume nobody wants his constituents to get a balanced argument from the red voter information booklet produced by the Secretary of State, as the arguments are skewed by the printed opposition from a hostile governor.

Nobody who has ever done a petition drive can believe that Rosenberg's “appeal process” is anything but a joke. We urge you to vote NO on this bill, which unfortunately now contains the Senate's anti-democracy provision.

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Citizens for Limited Taxation  ▪  PO Box 1147  ▪  Marblehead, MA 01945  ▪  508-915-3665