Thursday, May 1, 2014

On Illegal Government Campaigning


For Immediate Release
Contact:  Barbara Anderson

Over our years of activism on initiative petitions, we have filed complaints with OCPF about taxpayer money being spent to defeat our ballot questions.

However, we mostly dealt with signs in public building windows, and notes sent home with schoolchildren by public school teachers – and these violations of campaign finance law didn’t take place until the heat of the ballot campaign, in the fall before the election.

Until now, we hadn’t seen executive action during the signature-collecting phase; and even in the fall, notices from the executive branch were usually careful to pretend to be “informational,” carefully avoiding recommendations for a Yes vote, or for public employee action “against the ballot issue.”

So we were very surprised to see “Tank the Gas Tax,” which is working on its petition to repeal future automatic gas tax increases (without another legislative tax-hike vote), having to complain already about the use of taxpayer dollars to defeat this initiative. Apparently an email sent by the Assistant Secretary of Transportation to 19 employees shamelessly asked them to “gear up…to defeat the gas tax ballot question this November.”

We think Tank’s complaint to the Ethics Commission is entirely appropriate and hope that it is responded to quickly, before more taxpayer dollars are spent. We urge the media to watch for future violations, on any of the prospective ballot questions, including those on which the Patrick Administration might want a Yes vote. Taxpayers must never be forced to “contribute” to campaigns that are against their own considered best interests.

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Citizens for Limited Taxation  ▪  PO Box 1147  ▪  Marblehead, MA 01945  ▪  508-915-3665