Re: Initiative petition of Steven W. Aylward
and others for the passage of An Act repeal of 2013 gas tax indexing
(House, No. 3847)
Cc. All State Representatives/Senators
Any kind of automatic tax increase amounts to taxation
without representation.
If the Legislature does nothing to correct the perpetual automatic gas
tax hikes, we’re confident that a repeal question will be on the
November ballot for voters to decide – and further, that the outcome is
pre-ordained. The voters will repeal it.
You can easily avoid by legislative action imposing the needless time,
effort, campaign fund-raising and spending otherwise necessary by
citizens to ensure this.
If not, then this will become a major issue leading up to the November
Assuming you will be running for re-election, can you defend your
position in favor of taxation without representation?
Citizens for Limited Taxation ▪ PO
Box 1147 ▪ Marblehead, MA 01945
▪ 508-915-3665