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N.J. Gov. Chris Christie supports Charlie Baker
for Governor of Bay State
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall, Melrose

Scenes from rally
Photos by Chip Ford


Barbara and I arrived at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall in Melrose early but already a crowd of Baker-Tisei supporters were out with signs supporting the ticket for governor and lt. governor. When the doors opened at 10:30 we were one of the first into the hall, but it was packed quickly.

Sen. Richard Tisei, Charlie Baker's running mate, opened the event by introducing Charlie Baker and welcoming New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, to raucous standing applause. Christie immediately did his trademark suit jacket removal, and Charlie followed with a grin. Christie regaled the standing-room-only audience with his story of how he won in Blue State New Jersey against an incumbent Democrat and an independent distraction candidate. Sound familiar?

Barbara asked Gov. Christie to tell the crowd about his version of Proposition 2½. Earlier this year CLT worked with his staff and NJ Republican legislators to help draft and sell it to a reluctant NJ legislature, predominantly Democrat. (NJ doesn’t have the initiative petition process). When it wasn't included in the legislature's budget he vetoed it -- then recalled and held the legislature hostage over the 4th of July weekend -- "See you tomorrow," he replied day after day when they kept resisting. The NJ legislature finally gave in, gave Christie and taxpayers their property tax relief!

Sitting to Barbara's right is state GOP chairwoman, Jennifer Nassour, and standing behind her is 6th District Republican candidate for Congress, Bill Hudak.

More background on N.J. Gov. Chris Christie

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