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Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Second American Revolution has begun

I announced this morning on WRKO radio that I have scheduled a Public Town Hall Meeting on Health Care for the Sixth Congressional District (Most of Essex County, Middlesex county towns of Wakefield, Reading, North Reading, Wilmington, Burlington, Bedford) for Saturday, August 29, 2009, at 1:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Ferncroft Hotel, 50 Ferncroft Road, Danvers, Massachusetts.

All persons interested in the health care debate, including current Congressman John Tierney, are invited to attend. I would appreciate your helping to spread the word and having interested people attend.

Bill Hudak
Republican Candidate for Congress
6th Congressional District
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

John Tierney is missing and one of our Team Members has created a Milk Carton poster to help locate this missing Congressman.

Feel free to download this poster and help us locate John Tierney. Is Congressman Tierney at Good Harbor beach in Gloucester soaking in the sun or strolling the streets of Newburyport?

This poster needs to be put on bulletin boards across the 6th Congressional District (libraries, pizza shops, convenience stores, etc...)

Keep up the fight . . .

Rob Willington
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chip Ford's CLT Commentary

Besides the state being unable to keep the swimming pools open in August (what, it gets hot in August?) -- despite still having department money left over to run them and a law which states that they'll be open until Labor Day Weekend -- little is going on in state politics.  This is, after all, summer vacation season for our "full-time" state legislators -- from early July until at least Labor Day.  Not a bad vacation, just like K-12 student kids -- hey, not a bad comparison!

But on the national level a revolution has begun, and that's where we at CLT have been focused during these dog days.  What happens there in the near future when the pols get back to Washington (our Congressmen and U.S. Senators are vacationing like the kids, and the teachers too) will determine what the United States of America looks like in the future, for us and our posterity.

Never has the U.S. Congress -- our elected federal representatives and senators -- shown such naked contempt for constituents as it has in the past few weeks, and none have displayed more contempt than our own Rep. Barney Frank at a recent "town hall" meeting.  I'm sure you've heard about it by now, but at least he dared show up to exhibit his disdain for the mere hoi polloi.  Here in the 6th Congressional District -- as in others -- our Congressman, John Tierney, has not deigned to even put on a staged dog-and-pony show.  As I wrote in my last Update, "Our Peabody expedition to find Congressman Tierney," we've been searching for him, still missing in action.

His challenger, Bill Hudak, will be holding his own town meeting to address, among other issues, ObamaCare.  Barbara and I will be there and hope that those of you in the 6th District will too, to support Bill and challenge John Tierney if he has the testicular fortitude to accept the invitation.

The Second American Revolution has begun.  Join the revolution!

Chip Ford

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