and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation

Tuesday, March 11, 2009

2009 Taxpayer’s Pledge:

For Immediate Release

In the past, as Beacon Hill considered proposals for tax hikes, taxpayer activists would plan rallies or tea parties.  CLT would threaten a petition drive to repeal the increases.

Times have changed.  Reality has set in.  If a Democrat governor and the Legislature are determined to impose tax increases, rallies and tea parties won’t stop them.  And if citizens place a petition on the ballot to repeal them, and the repeal is approved by the voters, the same Democrat governor and Legislature will trash the election results, repeal or "freeze" the repeal – if they are the same governor and Legislature which imposed them.

There is only one thing that anti-tax hike activists and citizens can do to fight proposed increases in the gas, sales and income taxes.  They must begin planning immediately for the 2010 election.  Voters must make it clear that they will support the governor’s opponent in both the primary and general election.  They must pledge that they will support the opponent of any legislator who votes for tax hikes.

Some of the candidates who ran unsuccessfully in 2008 are planning to run again.  New candidates will step forward from the ranks of the private sector and unemployed, or the simply outraged.  CLT’s Political Action Committee will be looking for them to support.  Meanwhile, CLT will be publishing a rating of all tax votes.

We appreciate our legislative allies who will be voting "No."  We ask them to make sure we get roll calls on every tax hike vote.

Once we taxpaying voters take The Taxpayer’s Pledge – "NO RE-ELECTION FOR TAXHIKERS 2010" – rallies and tea parties which use this as their theme may get politicians’ attention.  But The Taxpayer’s Pledge must come first.

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