Now we get it: The
reason Governor Patrick keeps repeating that his plan will cut
property taxes – even though it won’t.
He figures enough media will keep repeating
this fabrication, as many of its members have been doing for
months, so he’ll continue to get points from the public.
When property taxes continue to rise, he will blame the
Legislature for not giving him his plan. (I’m not sure
what he’s going to say if the Legislature does give him
his plan, when property taxes still continue to rise.
Redefine the words "cut" and "rise"?)
In his budget address, broadcast live on NECN,
Governor Deval Patrick said, and I quote:
"I have had enough of meeting seniors and
young families alike who are worried that property taxes will
squeeze them right out of their homes." He referred to a
couple in Paxton, in their 80s, who had to go back to work to
pay their property taxes. Then he said:
"For immediate and direct relief, our budget
this year proposes to extend the senior circuit breaker program
to homeowners regardless of age, lowering property taxes for an
additional 100,000 households and cutting the average property
tax bill by 25%, up to $870.00."
This is deceptively untrue.
The senior circuit breaker is an income
tax credit. It will NOT lower property
taxes for the Paxton couple – or for anyone else. It will
NOT cut the average property tax bill, or any property
tax bill, by 25% or any other percent.
Property taxes, even if the governor’s plan
passes, will continue to increase by 2½% a year, limited only by
Prop 2½.
It takes an extraordinary degree of confidence
to continue to con the media to
continue to repeat his ongoing fabrication.
Will the media actually regurgitate unquestioned his specific
percentage on a fabricated, non-existent "property tax cut"?
Media, wake up! You are being
snookered and used. It’s embarrassing to watch. The
governor will continue to fool the public if he can keep getting
away with it.