Story of imperiled America needs big screen
© by Barbara Anderson

The Salem News
Thursday, July 17, 2014


Last week, Chip and I saw the Dinesh D’Souza film “America: Imagine the World Without Her” at the Liberty Tree Mall in Danvers. I hope you will, too.

Some of us may prefer to watch documentaries on television, but “America” needs a big screen: The cinematography, from the opening to the best-ever rendition of the national anthem at the end, is fabulous.

As students of history, Chip and I thought we knew our country; we were surprised by what we learned from the film. D’Souza also helped us understand the history of the new anti-Americanism with his earnest interview style that encourages his subjects to tell us things that many will consider shocking. I won’t list the cameos because it was such fun to be surprised when people I like appear on the screen. But watch for the little speech from U2’s Bono that brought tears to my eyes.

I will give you one item that surprised us: Did you know that ours is the only national anthem that ends with a question? That is basically the theme of the film: Please don’t miss it. I sent my grandchildren a check for tickets and popcorn.


As part of my ongoing quest to save America for them, and Massachusetts for us, I attended the Lynn Republican City Committee cookout last weekend. Though I’m an independent, some of my best friends are Republicans; we agree on the important fiscal issues and on the meaning of America. So, I am always welcome at Republican Party parties where I can gather first-hand information about candidates and issues to share with you.

Most important information from the Saturday event came from the mayor of Lynn, Judith Kennedy, who welcomed us all and then broke from the cookout tradition of summertime-optimistic speeches to ask for our help with her serious problem, the illegal immigrants that have been arriving in Lynn for two years from Central American countries.

She wants everyone to know that this is not just a problem for the southern border states, but for Massachusetts. She said Lynn has had to deal with almost 600 illegals this year alone. They are supposedly children who must be educated by Lynn taxpayers, but she told us some of them have gray hair: Lynn can’t require proof of age or vaccinations that are usually required to enter school. She can’t find out how many have criminal backgrounds in their home countries.

Mayor Kennedy: I hate to tell you this, but as I write my column, I hear state Rep. Shaunna O’Connell on Howie Carr’s radio show giving us a heads-up on a bill, H1414, “An Act relative to special juveniles,” that will forbid Massachusetts from sending any “juveniles” aged 18 to 20, who are here illegally, back to their home countries unless the probate and family court agrees. The court may instead refer them to social services, where we can support them on welfare forever, or perhaps deal with them as members of the transnational criminal cartel MS-13 that has already infiltrated Massachusetts. Rep. O’Connell thinks the vote on the “special juveniles” bill may come this week in the House.

Richard Tisei spoke after Mayor Kennedy, saying “I’d love to be helping you and advocating for the city.” Full disclosure: I am enthusiastically supporting him, as I did in 2012. You may recall he lost only because there was a third party candidate who took 16,000 votes. This fact wasn’t lost on incumbent John Tierney, who was expected to encourage an “independent” to help him win again this year.

And sure enough, two young men were collecting signatures at the farmers market in Marblehead early this month. They denied that they are working for Tierney, but if you see a signature sheet for someone you’ve never heard of named Chris Stockwell, be aware that if you sign his nomination papers, you’ll just be helping to re-elect the incumbent congressman.

Of course, the third-party candidate will have to count on some foolish social conservatives voting for this suspicious stranger because their own candidate isn’t perfect. I was appalled Monday morning when listening to the Kuhner Report on WRKO; Jeff Kuhner was scolding the Republican Party for having candidates for only three of the nine congressional seats, demanding to know why more Republicans won’t run. Then, he launched an attack on one of the three who ARE running because Rich Tisei is pro-choice and supports gay marriage — thereby pretty much answering his own question.

This also explains why I’m an independent. I hate to hang out with those few short-sighted Republicans who let social issues keep them from voting for their own candidates, thereby electing a Democrat who agrees with them even less. The country is falling apart: We are being invaded by the Third World; these invaders get free medical care while some veterans die waiting for theirs, the NSA is spying on us, the IRS uses its power against the president’s political enemies, then lies to Congress, the national debt and unfunded liabilities have taken us to the brink of bankruptcy, and yet, some people help defeat candidates who agree with them only 80 percent of the time.

At recent Republican events, I have met some new, fresh candidates who haven’t made enemies in the party yet, the most impressive being Brian Herr, who is running for U.S. Senate. If our America has any chance for survival, Republicans will have to take the Senate this November; this is a young man we could all be proud to have represent us.

Meanwhile, back at the commonwealth, Karyn Polito and Mark Fisher were in Lynn, representing the governor’s race. I’ll write more about that later, and the other constitutional offices, when we get closer to the fall campaign season. Right now, I just want to urge you to see “America: Imagine the World Without Her,” and then imagine it.

The comments made and opinions expressed in her columns are those of Barbara Anderson
and do not necessarily reflect those of Citizens for Limited Taxation.

Barbara Anderson is executive director of Citizens for Limited Taxation. Her column appears weekly in the Salem News and other Eagle-Tribune newspapers.

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