The doomed-economy weight-loss plan
© by Barbara Anderson

The Salem News
Thursday, March 27, 2014


Warning: I am in a very bad mood. I don’t know why, and it may not last until the end of this column. We’ll see.

This is the sequence of events. On the first day of spring, I felt I might be catching a cold, so I went shopping for cat food, ginger ale, chicken soup and orange juice, in case I didn’t feel like going out again — which I still don’t. Then, my computer got sick, too, something to do with the hard drive and things that happen despite all the virus blocks (here, computer, have some chicken soup). Off it went to the shop for five days.

So, instead of attending my first-ever Republican convention, as a guest of Karyn Polito, candidate for lieutenant governor, which I was going to tell you about this week, I spent Saturday in bed. Chip brought me apple juice and his extra laptop, but I had little interest in the latter, thought my forced hiatus from connectivity might be a good time to read a book a friend published online. Chip had downloaded it onto the Kindle he bought me despite my protestations, and I have to admit that while I will always prefer a real book in my hands, when you can’t buy something in a bookstore, the Kindle comes in handy.

So, I read “In Defiance of Reason: the Failure of Modern Economics and the Coming Dark Age” by Daniel Smith, which has everything we need to know about economics. I had to learn it the hard way, one rational perspective at a time over 50 years, from Thomas Aquinas in high school, to Ayn Rand, eventually to Rand Paul. I didn’t take econ during my brief college career, but I soon found the Aquinas legacy in the Austrian school of economics: Ludwig von Mises, Bastiat, Hazlitt, with personal tutelage from my favorite local Austrian-born economist, Heinz Muehlmann, who advised the Prop 2½ campaign.

That campaign led me to read Howard Jarvis, whose “Mad as Hell” initiated the 1978 property tax revolt in California. Later, Ross Perot explained the difference between the deficit and the national debt to a then-eager audience of Americans. Try getting their attention now!

Then, there was Nobel Prize-winner Milton Friedman, who argued that the Great Depression had been caused by the Federal Reserve’s policies through the 1920s, and worsened in the 1930s. He thought that laissez-faire government policy is more desirable than government intervention in the economy.

The Austrian economists especially are cited in Dan Smith’s book, so it was like having old friends visit my sickbed; he also brings us up to date on the Federal Reserve. I was very happy, sipping apple juice, turning pages of the Kindle. Cozy as I was with my hot water bottle, I didn’t overreact to Smith’s conclusion: that we are doomed.

I’d figured that out myself in recent years; it was intellectually gratifying to me that I’d arrived at the same conclusion, even though I spend a lot of time in denial, trying to keep everyone’s spirits up, including mine. I don’t understand some of the technical language of the economist, never mind of the engineer that Smith is, but I do get the point: a country can’t borrow its way into prosperity or even ongoing solvency.

I went to find some direct quotes in Smith’s book but found that the Kindle battery was dead and I had to plug it in. What? I don’t have to plug in my other books.

And I then realized where my good, “I’m sick so I might as well be happy” mood went. Chip returned my computer. Once again, I was in contact with the world. Days of mostly unwanted email poured into my little office; I’ll never catch up. Yes, I know the rule: just delete. I spend an awful lot of time deleting. Is this what life is supposed to be about: keeping ahead of the deletions?

While enjoying my sick-time reading, I came to realize how much time I spend commenting online on newspaper columns, including my own. While one meets some interesting people there, the ratio of intelligent to irrational is discouraging.

Checked out the information about the Republican convention that I’d missed. I don’t blame Richard Tisei for attending a Kiwanis pancake breakfast instead. There they go, Republicans fighting each other again instead of creating a unified front against the Democrats who are running this state into the ground. Think we’ll be able to elect the management ability to run our commonwealth during the coming national meltdown?

I am sick of the incompetent governor, the useless liberal Congress, the scandal-a-day in the local media. I’m sick of those whose priority is not freedom with personal responsibility, but forcing their agenda onto other people. I like to assume most readers of this column are rational and concerned about America. If you could read Daniel Smith’s book (from ebooks on Amazon), you might be in a bad mood, too.

Time for bed, need a dose of nighttime NyQuil. Can’t get the #*&*%$ childproof cap off. Knife, scissors, shred, kill.

Hey, I haven’t had any appetite all week, think I’ve lost weight? Wow, 12 pounds! A good start for spring. No more bad mood; I may fit into my favorite clothes by summer. Life is good, until the new Dark Age arrives.

The comments made and opinions expressed in her columns are those of Barbara Anderson
and do not necessarily reflect those of Citizens for Limited Taxation.

Barbara Anderson is executive director of Citizens for Limited Taxation. Her column appears weekly in the Salem News and other Eagle-Tribune newspapers.

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