PO Box 1147  9  Marblehead, MA 01945  9  CLT email  9  www.cltg.org
(508) 384-0100   
9  (781) 631-6842

Monday, February 23, 2009

How you can help keep CLT fighting for you

From Chip Ford

Greetings activists and supporters:


Attached to this message, you’ll find a PDF file named "join_us.pdf". First we need you to save it on your computer, where you can find it later.

What we’d like you to do next is:  Use that attached file (join_us.pdf) you saved to help us recruit new members to CLT.

We’d like you to write a personal e-mail message and send it to ten of your taxpaying friends in Massachusetts – a personal message from you.

Please don’t just forward this one.

A personal message from you – not just clicking the "forward to" button on your e-mail program – will get their attention and more likely be read.  Write your message to your friends and family members in your own words.

Your personal endorsement of CLT will mean much more to your friends and family members than this unsolicited message from us "strangers" at CLT forwarded to them by you.

Also, a personal friend of yours is more likely to open an attached file in a message from you than from a stranger. I know I would be!

After you’ve composed your personal message to friends and family, attach the PDF file to your message so they have a copy to open and read, and print out if they choose, when they receive your message.

Follow up with another message in a few days, or a phone call. Ask if they received and read your initial message, if they opened and read the attached file from CLT. Explain to them why it’s in their interest to join CLT along with you.

Thanks so much. I believe this may be the only way to keep CLT alive beyond spring. I hope you’ll not only renew your own membership, if you haven’t already, but will help recruit more taxpayers to our defense – and their own!

We four CLT staffers won’t go down without a fight. But we can’t win, CLT can’t survive, without you at our side . . . and a greater number of like-minded taxpayers.

Chip Ford



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Every tax is a pay cut . . .     
        A tax cut is a pay raise

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