and the
Citizens Economic Research Foundation

CLT's 2006 Annual Brunch
Sunday, November 5, 2006

As usual, CLT held its annual fall brunch, at Lombardo's in Randolph.  This year it was attended by some 90 activists and members with everyone enjoying a good time as always.

The highlights appear below.

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Chip Ford opening the brunch, greeting the guests, and about to lead them in the Pledge of Allegiance, before inviting them to chow down.

CLT's Chip Faulkner awarding the Citizen for Limited Taxation Award to Jake Hagopian, of the Holden Association of Taxpayers (HAT).

Chip Faulkner awarding the David P. Wilson Award for Uniting Taxpayers to Walter E. Dixon, of the Norwell Taxpayers Alliance (NTA).

Barbara awarding the Warren T. Brookes Award in absentia to Michael A. Valerio: founder of Papa Gino's, an early board member of Citizens for Limited Taxation and supporter of Proposition 2½ and the CLT campaign, which made it possible and a successful reality.

Following the awards ceremony, Barbara from her wheelchair introduced the brunch's keynote speaker, Jim Braude.  Before becoming a well-respected and hard-hitting interviewer on New England Cable News ("Wired With Jim Braude" and "NewsNight With Jim Braude"), he was the leading opponent against CLT on tax issues, a liberal's liberal.  That's not to say that he's changed his philosophical stripes since leaving the Tax Equity Alliance for Massachusetts (TEAM), nicknamed "Tax Everything And More" long ago by us fiscal conservatives.

Jim gave it his best shot, and did it well.    He had a surprising number of admirers when he entered the room, and more by the end after standing by our position on the tax rollback -- because the voters had spoken -- and his demand  for a return of the initiative-referendum process and constitutional government.

Jim set up and presented a video of his and Barbara's first confrontations, back in the late- '80s when he was first brought in to organize and speak for TEAM (Tax Equity Alliance for Massachusetts, aka., "Tax Everything And More").  It was an audio-visual delight, the two of them going at it together that long ago when both were so much younger!

Jim Braude and Margery Eagan, columnist for The Boston Herald and co-talk show host with Jim on WTKK-FM 96.9, joking about her 1990 Boston Herald column  . . .

Jim took some hard and pointed questions from the CLT audience and handled them all very well, often agreeing with us:  e.g.,  that the voters have spoken and should be honored, regardless of his preferred outcome.
Barbara presented Jim with a copy of "A Conflict of Visions" by Thomas Sowell, and a DVD copy of "Serenity," to expand his horizons.

Barbara holding court from her new mobile "throne."  (She broke her foot, which is now in a cast.)

Once adversaries, still friends.

A chance and friendly meet-up by two other opponents:  Brian Camenker, of Mass. Resistance and Margery Eagan.

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